
All the commands currently in EffectMaster!

The user is required to have the effectmaster.command permission to access the /em command! If they have the permissions for specific sub-commands but not this permission, it will not work!


Cancel Command

Cancels the current editing session when editing an effect parameter. Can be useful when something blocks the ability to chat, modifies your chat message or you just simply want to implement your own system.

Create Command

Used to create a new show with a specific name and category.

Edit Command

Used to edit, create or delete an effect of a show.


Create a new effect in a show.


Delete an effect with a specific ID.


Edit an effect with a specific ID.

Editor Command

Opens the editor GUI of a show. You can also specify an ID to open the effect editor of that effect.

Enter Command

Enter a specific value while editing a parameter if you do not have access to the chat or simply want to implement your own system for editing shows.

Help Command

Shows the help page.

Location Command

Useful command to retrieve different locations located to your current location. You can get your own location, the location above your head (2 blocks above your own), your location as a block coordinate and the block location you're looking at (if you are looking at a block).

Play Command

Used to start a specific show. You can also start a show from a specific effect ID or only play one effect, this may be useful while testing.

Play From

Play a show starting at a specitic effect ID including that one.

Play Only

Only play one effect from a show.

Privateplay Command

Start a show only visible to a selected amount of players. You can use vanilla selectors for this command. For example @a[distance=..10]

You need to have ProtocolLib installed if you want to use this command!

Play At Command

Starts a show at a specific location.

This command will not work when you've not set a center location for your show! Please check Relative Shows for more information.

Reload Command

Simply reloads the config.yml after making changes to it. The show configurations automatically get reloaded so don't worry about those.

Rename Command

Simply renames a show.

Wiki Command

Brings you to the wiki.

Last updated